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- The northern kingdoms suffered great loss during the 'Shadow Times', when the lands were beset with an invasion. As a consequence, the use of arcane magic has become a thing to fear. For most practioners, they hide their talents and study in secret. Only those with the protection of those in power or sanctioned universities have the freedom to openly use the arcane arts.
- The calendar week for the kingdoms have ten days, with four weeks to a month.
- Much of the north has ruins of past empires.
- The world of Enolia is heavily tied to the elemental planes and elemental magic. The source book The Magics of Northern Ballidrous: Channelers and Weavers offers greater detail on two new classes and an expanded spell lists.
- The Fae Realm is a nearby plane, connected to the Material Plane much like the Astral Plane. Small communities or groups of fae populate the lands, some even banished from their home realm. Two courts dominate the social structure, a Summer Court and Winter Court. The fae can be grouped into types - such as petal, wood, rock, dirt, mountain, pond... and many more. They are also heavily influenced by the elemental aspects.